Click & Collect

A trade account with YESSS gives you access to over 95 branches across the UK for same day collection.
Our collection service is always free, and is available 5 days a week (Monday to Friday). Just place your order with us and it’ll be ready to collect in under 1 hour. If you place an order outside of the branch’s opening hours, it will be available to collect the next working day.
If your branch doesn’t have all your items available, we aim to get them there for you to collect within 1-2 working days.
Have a question? Please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

We have branches everywhere from Scotland, to Northern Ireland and London, with each one having a helpful knowledgable team, large showrooms and top quality brands.

With access to 1000s of products across our branch network, you can see our stock levels in real time. Just choose your Selected Store from our Store Finder and you’ll be ready to browse stock.
Don’t forget, you can always change your collection branch at checkout too and we’ll let you know your updated collection time.

When you place your order, you’ll receive an email (and text if you opt in) to let you know your order is with us. Just make sure you bring this confirmation with you, along with ID when you come into collect. Don’t worry, we’ll send you an email when everything is ready.
Please remember that any order placed after closing hours will not be available to collect until the next working day.
Please check our Store Finder to find your local branch opening times.
Please see below for all frequently asked questions, and if you can’t find an answer give your local branch a call or speak with our Customer Care team on 01924 227 941 or email [email protected].
I haven’t received an update about my order?
We’ll always send you a email (and text if you opted in) when all or part of your order is ready to collect. If you don’t receive one, please check your email spam/junk to double check it hasn’t gone into there. You can always call your branch for an update on your order if in doubt.
Can somebody else pick the order up for me?
Certainly. Just ask them to bring along your order confirmation and applicable ID and we’ll make a note of who has collected the item on your behalf.
How do I return my Click & Collect order?
Returns go through our usual process which can be found on our Returns page. But in short, just bring back your goods to your local branch and they’ll get everything sorted for you.